Career PathEach Rich at Heart™ participant will be assessed to determine what type of career goals that they have. We will provide them with a better skill-set when applying for various jobs.
Health and FitnessRich at Heart™ participants will focus on daily aerobic exercise an hour daily as a group. They will participate in different sport games including basketball, soccer, track & field, and baseball. Adolescents will be taught how to make healthy choice
Domestic SkillsThis area focuses on maintaining one's living area. We work on clean up skills: dishes, bathroom, floors, trash, tables, etc. We discuss and buy appropriate cleaning supplies.
Community OutreachWe will experience going out into the community where they will practice and learn life skills. For example, while going into the community, our kids will learn how to shop, how to manage money, safely cross the street, and how to be kind and polite.
Recreation/ LeisureWe will provide field trips where all participants can learn about some of the fun and entertaining events that happen within their close proximity. We will also provide them with a scheduled free-time where they may access the internet, listen to music, play video-games, or go outside and play.
Social/ EmotionalEach Rich At Heart™ participant will have the opportunity to communicate and express themselves through art, writing, and/or verbally in order to enhance their communication skills. This program will develop and nurture positive attiudes, create a climate of respect, and integrate good manners.